The fungus that causes mold may thrive almost anywhere in nature. There is no season in which it cannot thrive indoors or out. However, the optimal conditions for its growth are found in warm, wet, and humid climates. When mold grows, it spores off into the air. Allergic symptoms such as sneezing, a runny nose, red eyes, and rashes can result from contact with mold spores. People who already have asthma and are sensitive to mold are more vulnerable to its effects. Even if you're not sensitive, you should treat it with the utmost care, mainly because mold isn't always so apparent or visible. Here are the less visible signs of mold in your home.

  1. Stinky air conditioning
    An unpleasant odor emanating from your HVAC system is a subtle indication that mold may be present. Mold thrives in warm, damp places, making window AC units an ideal breeding ground for the fungus. When not in use, they are often damp, dark, and warm. It's also risky to put an air conditioner in a warm basement or closet during the winter. Many people don’t take good care of their HVAC system. That’s why you should never skip a home inspection!
  2. Itchiness
    While it's common knowledge that mold thrives in damp environments like basements, few realize it can also infest textiles. In this case, wet garments. Towels and clothes dried inside on racks can harbor mold, which can irritate your skin if you have a habit of leaving them damp. As we’ve learned from our friends at, to prevent this, you should dry your clothes as quickly as possible and never leave damp towels lying around the bathroom.
  3. Dark grout
    Inspecting the grout between the tiles the next time you take a shower is another good way to check for mold. If it’s dark, assume mold because of its association with dampness and darkness. The good news is that this type of mold is often a harmless variety. The only exception is if your bathroom has a leak or there has been recent flooding in a neighboring room. If this is the case, the fungus is likely to be dangerous.
  4. Previous water Damage
    You can tell that a home has been in flood easily by mold. While it's common knowledge that a major flood in the basement may lead to mold, many people don't realize that lesser incidents, such as an overflowing bathtub or regularly leaky sink pipes, can also contribute to ideal circumstances for mold growth.
  5. A foul odor
    If you notice a musty odor in your house and have cleaned the typical suspects, but the problem persists, it may be due to mold. If the musty stench in your home seems to be coming from only one room or even just one part of a room, this might be a sign that mold is to blame and not just a lack of regular vacuuming. Mold stench is common in storage units, too. Many keep furniture here since they are the most common items in storage units, and that’s why it’s important to control mold.
  6. Always cold
    It's possible that a virus is to blame for your flu-like symptoms. One of the most subtle indications of mold growth at home is a persistently runny nose or a sneezing fit whenever you're there. Mold can trigger allergic responses in certain people. Some of the symptoms include a runny nose, stuffy or itchy eyes, and coughing. If you think mold may be to blame, try keeping a diary for a week to see if your symptoms worsen in any particular rooms or areas of the house. The basement and the laundry room, for example, may be contributing factors if you notice that your flu symptoms worsen when you spend time there. Or just go out of town for a few days and see how you feel. It's likely that you have a mold problem if the symptoms go away while you're away but return when you return home.
    See an allergist and schedule mold removal services right away if you think you may be allergic to mold.
  7. Bubbling paint
    Have you seen paint bubbling on the bathroom wall or near a window? Moisture is a primary culprit when the paint starts to bubble. This can be hard to see to the untrained eye, so getting a mold inspection before purchasing a property might be a good idea. Mold is almost inevitable in damp environments. However, you can't just paint over the dampness. Instead, you need to identify and eliminate the cause of the problem. You can then repaint after the source of the moisture problem has been resolved. Before putting on the first coat, ensure the walls have been properly prepared by scraping, patching, cleaning, and drying.
  8. Your asthma is crazy
    Mold may be to blame if an underlying respiratory condition worsens after being indoors for extended periods of time. Most healthy people won't be bothered by common home molds, but certain species can trigger asthma attacks in sensitive persons. If your breathing issues develop without apparent explanation, you may want to schedule a visit to the doctor and have your home checked for mold.

After spotting signs of mold in your home:

  • Call a professional – Mold can be sneaky. If you don't know where the mold is, you can't hope to get rid of it completely.
  • Check HVAC systems- Have a professional HVAC expert inspect your air conditioner. Incorrectly adjusted air conditioners can introduce unhealthy levels of humidity into the home.

Final words

Mycotoxins, which are produced by mold, have been related to severe health concerns, including heart disease and memory loss, in extremely rare cases. Your walls, floors, and appliances might be harmed even if your health isn't in danger. Mold needs to be eradicated, especially for individuals who become sick from being around it. If you are allergic to it, your reaction will persist. We hope our guide has helped you spot the sneaky signs of mold in your home.